Dive into the world of desires, passions and forbidden pleasures, in which many temptations await you. Solve all its riddles, uncover all its secrets, pass all the tests and become the greatest Witch of our time

What's The Story About?

The story of the game is about an ordinary young man of 18 years old, who lives an unremarkable life in an typical residential area of the city of Nevermist. Having lost his mother three years ago, who disappeared from his life under mysterious circumstances, he is forced to combine student life with freelance work, taking care of his father and household. But one day fate strikes again, when the young man's father flees the country with a young beautiful colleague. Leaving his son a inheritance in the form of a huge debt to the powerful and mysterious Corporation. Now the young man faces the need to get out of this bad story alive and unharmed.

On the way to freedom the protagonist will have to go through a lot of trials, become a participant of intrigues of powerful people and gods of this world, discover ancient secrets, fight with various opponents and terrible depraved monsters, and learn the past of his family. And, perhaps, even lose himself to gain a completely different life. MC will be able to taste sexual pleasures with men, women and futa. He will have a chance to experience what is BDSM and forced sex. And also to take part in orgies, and perhaps be raped by disgusting monsters.

Join the adventures of the main character and discover with him a wonderful new world filled with fear, power, intrigue, betrayal and loyalty, erotica and forbidden pleasures. To eventually gain immense power and might and become the most powerful and beautiful witch in the world.

Main features

  • Story-driven open world.
  • Lots of ways to progress through, differentiated from each other.
  • Large selection of beautiful women, futa and men with whom you can build a relationship.
  • MTF of MC with stages: male, futa, female.
  • An intriguing main story that can change depending on the player's actions.
  • Interesting side stories.
  • Great selection of hot sex scenes with women, futa, men and monsters.
  • The game includes BDSM, forced sex, petting, sex with monsters and some other sexual situations.
  • You can build a relationship with one person or you can build a harem. Or you can become a member of someone's harem.
  • It is possible to pass without a romantic connection, enjoying free love and taking part in orgies.
  • Also there is a line of sexual predator, forcing others to sex for the sake of increasing her own power and to satisfy her own sexual desires.
  • Women and the main character, if female, can become pregnant.